Some tips of cleaning and maintenance of wood and bamboo footstool

Footstool is a kind of functional furniture combined shoe cabinet with stool, it is convenient for people to sit and change shoes without standing, and nice to place plants and flowers. To maintain its beauty and help it last, wood furniture needs the right care. However, how to clean and care for the footstool? here gives some suggestions.

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1. Avoid the place of the high and the low temperature, nearby the stove, also can’t place it near the heating radiator, heat and air vents and air conditioning units.
2. Wipe the footstool with dry cloth or half dry cloth.
3. Avoid placing your furniture in direct sunlight, as sunlight causes fading.

To clean the footstool, there are four ways to keep it new, recover the gloss and with long lifetime. 

1. Wipe with a piece of cloth dipped in milk, not only can remove the dirt, but also make the furniture shiny and new;
2. Use a half cup of water, a quarter of vinegar, and a soft cloth to rub the wooden footstool, which can make it restore the luster.

3. A big cup of cold strong tea, use a piece of cloth soaked to scrub the stool two or there times.
4. drip the wax oil on the lacquer face of the stool, overspread the stool, not use the sharp knief, and fingernail to scrap, instead of the soft plastic slice, slowly to scrub the rest of oil, then use a clean and dense cloth to wipe again, avoid the scratch left.


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